Versace sayings

1. "I don't believe in good taste. I believe in quality."

2. "Fashion is about dreaming and making other people dream."

3. "I love things that age well - things that don't date, that stand the test of time and that become living examples of the absolute best."

4. "I design for the woman who loves being a woman."

5. "I don't consider myself an artist. I'm a designer."

6. "I like the body. I like to design everything to do with the body."

7. "Don't be into trends. Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live."

8. "I think glamour all the time. I wake up in the morning and I'm already thinking glamour."

9. "I love women's bodies and I want to make them beautiful."

10. "I don't believe in good taste. I believe in quality."

Above is Versace sayings.

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1 4 sheet cake with long sayings

Sure, here is an example of a long saying that could be written on a sheet cake:Life is short, eat the cake first. Celebrate every moment, cherish every memory. Love deeply, laugh often, and always be kind. May your days be filled with joy, your heart with love, and your soul with peace. Happy Birt

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