Viking runes sayings

Here are a few Viking rune sayings that you may find interesting:

1. "Árinn fór, bátur rennur" - "The oar went, the boat ran." This saying signifies that action leads to progress.

2. "Hjartað í höndum þér" - "The heart in your hands." This saying emphasizes taking control of your own destiny.

3. "Eldur í hjarta, íss í blóði" - "Fire in the heart, ice in the blood." This saying represents the balance between passion and calmness.

4. "Sigr er sá, er segr vinnr" - "Victory goes to the one who wins it." This saying emphasizes the importance of perseverance and determination.

5. "Vápnum sínum skal maðr velli á" - "A man should use his weapons on the field." This saying encourages being prepared and using one's skills effectively.

These sayings reflect the values and beliefs of the Viking culture, emphasizing courage, strength, and the importance of taking action.

Above is Viking runes sayings.

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Stop quotes sayings

Sure, I'll stop providing quotes and sayings. Let me know if you need help with anything else.

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