Waheguru sayings

Here are some popular Waheguru sayings:

1. "Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh" - This is a Sikh greeting that means "The Khalsa belongs to Waheguru, victory belongs to Waheguru."

2. "Satnam Waheguru" - This is a mantra that means "True is the name of the Supreme Being."

3. "Waheguru tera shukar hai" - This means "Thank you Waheguru."

4. "Waheguru di mehar hamesha saath rahengi" - This means "The grace of Waheguru will always be with us."

5. "Jin prem kiyo, tin hi Prabh paayo" - This is a saying that means "Those who love, find God."

These sayings reflect the reverence and gratitude that Sikhs have towards Waheguru, the Supreme Being in Sikhism.

Above is Waheguru sayings.

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