Warrior quotes and sayings

1. "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." - Alexander the Great

2. "Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price." - Sun Tzu

3. "A warrior does not give up what he loves, he finds the love in what he does." - Dan Millman

4. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." - Nelson Mandela

5. "I am a warrior, not because I always win, but because I will always fight." - Unknown

6. "The true warrior isn't immune to fear. She fights in spite of it." - Francesca Lia Block

7. "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees." - Emiliano Zapata

8. "The warrior who trusts his path doesn't need to prove the other is wrong." - Paulo Coelho

9. "A warrior is not about perfection or victory or invulnerability. He's about absolute vulnerability." - Socrates

10. "A warrior is not defined by the weapons he carries, but by the strength of his heart." - Unknown

Above is Warrior quotes and sayings.

Pirates of penzance sayings

1. Aye, matey, the pirate's life be a grand adventure!2. Shiver me timbers, that be a fine booty we've plundered!3. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, the pirate's favorite drink!4. Avast ye, me hearties, we be sailing the high seas!5. Arrr, there be no honor among thieves, but plenty of treasur

Sayings live laugh love

Live, laugh, love.

Greek sayings son and mother

One famous Greek saying about the bond between a son and mother is:Μητέρα πατρί φίλτατον κρύπτε, λόγων δ' αντίον άλλο μητρί έχεις. This translates to: Hide your most beloved things from your father, but you have no secrets from your mother.

Winter solstice greetings sayings

1. Wishing you a peaceful and joyful winter solstice.2. May the light return and bring warmth to your heart on this winter solstice.3. Embrace the darkness and look forward to the light on this winter solstice.4. May the longest night bring you rest and reflection on this winter solstice.5.

Old age confusion sayings

1. I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was.2. The older I get, the better I was.3. I may be old, but I've seen more sunsets than I have left to see.4. Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.5. I'm not old, I'm just well-seasoned.6.

Italian sayings about strength

1. Chi va piano va sano e va lontano. (He who goes slowly goes safely and goes far.)2. L'abito non fa il monaco. (The clothes do not make the man.)3. La gatta frettolosa ha fatto i gattini ciechi. (The hasty cat gave birth to blind kittens.)4. Dove c'è volonta, c'è modo. (Where there is a wi

Supporting sayings

1. Believe you can and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer3. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs4. You are

3 sayings in spanish

1. Más vale tarde que nunca (Better late than never)2. No hay mal que por bien no venga (Every cloud has a silver lining)3. A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda (The early bird catches the worm)

Dapper english gentleman sayings

1. Keep calm and carry on.2. Mind your Ps and Qs.3. A gentleman never tells.4. Stiff upper lip.5. Manners maketh man.6. A gentleman is always well-dressed and well-mannered.7. A gentleman's word is his bond.8. It's not the done thing.9. Toodle-oo, old chap!10. Jolly good show!

Nervousness quotes sayings

1. Nervousness is just a sign that you care deeply about something. 2. Don't let nervousness stop you from pursuing your dreams. 3. Nervousness is the price we pay for caring. 4. Embrace your nervousness, it means you're stepping out of your comfort zone. 5. Nervousness is a natural respons