Weather sayings as gaeilge

1. Tá sé ag caitheamh scáth fearthainne - It's throwing a shadow of rain

2. Tá sé ag cur sceana gréine - It's raining sunbeams

3. Tá sé ag cur báistí mar a bheadh capall ag póirse - It's raining as if a horse were pissing

4. Tá sé ag cur báistí agus ag stealladh - It's raining and pouring

5. Tá sé ag caitheamh scáth sneachta - It's throwing a shadow of snow

6. Tá sé ag caitheamh scáth scamall - It's throwing a shadow of clouds

7. Tá an ghrian ag dul faoi - The sun is going under

8. Tá sé ag stealladh báistí mar a bheadh madra ag póirse - It's raining as if a dog were pissing

Above is Weather sayings as gaeilge.

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