Wedding favor sayings for sweets

1. "Love is sweet, enjoy this treat!"

2. "Thank you for making our day sweet!"

3. "Sweet memories from our special day."

4. "Indulge in a sweet treat on us!"

5. "A little sweetness to say thank you."

6. "Love is the sweetest thing, just like these treats."

7. "Sweet treats for our sweet guests."

8. "Take a sweet reminder of our love."

9. "Life is short, eat the sweets first!"

10. "Sweets for the sweetest guests at our wedding."

Above is Wedding favor sayings for sweets.

Balls sayings

1. Keep your eye on the ball.2. The ball is in your court.3. Don't drop the ball.4. Play ball!5. He's got balls.6. It's a whole new ball game.7. The ball's in motion.8. Balls to the wall.9. Ball is life.10. Bouncing back like a ball.

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Sayings with bird in them

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Flowers religious sayings

1. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. - Matthew 6:28-292. A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms. - Zen Shin3. The earth laughs in