Weird love sayings

1. "You're the peanut butter to my jelly, the cheese to my macaroni, and the ketchup to my fries."

2. "I love you more than a cat loves a cardboard box."

3. "You're the missing puzzle piece to my heart."

4. "I love you to the moon and back, and then some."

5. "You're the bacon to my eggs, the cream to my coffee, and the marshmallow to my hot chocolate."

6. "You're my favorite notification to wake up to."

7. "You're the sprinkles on my ice cream cone, the glitter in my life, and the sunshine on a rainy day."

8. "I love you more than a sloth loves napping."

9. "You're the avocado to my toast, the jam to my peanut butter, and the honey to my tea."

10. "You're the melody to my song, the lyrics to my poem, and the color to my painting."

Above is Weird love sayings.

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Cute cat sayings for tik tok

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