Welcome new baby sayings

1. "Congratulations on your precious new arrival!"

2. "May your little one bring you endless joy and love."

3. "Welcome to the world, sweet baby!"

4. "Your family is now complete with the arrival of your new bundle of joy."

5. "Wishing you all the best as you embark on this incredible journey of parenthood."

6. "Sending lots of love and blessings to your new addition."

7. "May your baby's laughter and smiles fill your home with happiness."

8. "Congratulations on the newest member of your family!"

9. "Cherish every moment with your little one, they grow up so fast."

10. "Your baby is a true blessing, enjoy every moment with them."

Above is Welcome new baby sayings.

Best golfing sayings

1. Drive for show, putt for dough.2. Golf is a game of inches. The most important are the six inches between your ears.3. The harder you work, the luckier you get.4. It's not how you drive, it's how you arrive.5. Golf is a game that is played on a five-inch course - the distance between you

First mothers day card sayings

1. To the woman who gave me life and love, Happy Mother's Day!2. Thank you for all the sacrifices you've made for me. I love you, Mom!3. You are my rock, my inspiration, and my best friend. Happy Mother's Day!4. Mom, your love and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today. Thank you!

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Poetic sayings poems

In the quiet of the night, the stars whisper secrets to the moon,Their twinkling light a dance of beauty in the sky's vast, darkened room.The wind sings a melody through the trees, a lullaby for the earth,As nature's symphony plays on, a timeless and eternal rebirth.In the depths of the ocean, where

Hazrat khalid bin waleed sayings in urdu

Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) was a renowned military commander and companion of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Here are some of his famous sayings in Urdu:1. میں نے اسلام کو اپنی زندگی کا مقصد بنایا ہے، اور میں اس کے لئے مرنے کو تیار ہوں۔2. جو کوئی مجھ سے جنگ کرے، میں اس کو اسلام کی راہ میں ماروں گ

Most famous sayings in the world

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Betrayal sayings

1. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, it comes from those you trust the most.2. Betrayal is like a snake, always lurking in the shadows waiting to strike when you least expect it.3. Betrayal is a wound that never truly heals, it leaves a scar that serves

Dumb bush sayings

1. You can't fix stupid.2. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. That dog won't hunt.5. It's like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree.6. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.7. Don't beat around the b

Japanese sayings with deep meaning

1. 一期一会 (ichigo ichie) - One encounter, one opportunity. This saying emphasizes the importance of cherishing each moment and valuing every encounter with others.2. 花鳥風月 (kachou fuugetsu) - Experience the beauties of nature, and in doing so learn about yourself. This saying encourages people to a