Welsh sayings in english

1. "A fo ben, bid bont" - He who would be a leader, let him be a bridge

2. "Cenedl heb iaith, cenedl heb galon" - A nation without a language is a nation without a heart

3. "Gwell wneud na gwrando" - It is better to do than to listen

4. "Nid aur yw popeth melyn" - Not everything yellow is gold

5. "Yn y cyfrinach y mae nerth" - In secrecy there is strength

6. "Heddwch a chariad" - Peace and love

7. "Gwell dysg na golud" - Better to learn than to be rich

8. "Gwell angau na cywilydd" - Better death than shame

9. "A fo ben bid bont" - He who would be a leader, let him be a bridge

10. "Hir yw pob amser i ddal ychydig" - Every little helps

Above is Welsh sayings in english.

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