Wenckebach sayings

Here are a few quotes attributed to the German physician and pioneer in cardiology, Karel Frederik Wenckebach:

1. "The heart is the most important organ in the body. It is the source of life and the seat of the soul."

2. "Listen to your heart, for it speaks the language of truth and wisdom."

3. "A healthy heart is a reflection of a healthy life."

4. "The rhythm of the heart is the rhythm of life."

5. "Take care of your heart, for it is the engine that drives your body."

Above is Wenckebach sayings.

Short sayings about hunger

1. Hunger is the best sauce.2. A hungry stomach has no ears.3. Hunger is the best spice.4. Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred.5. Hunger is the best cook.6. The best way to get rid of kitchen odors: eat out.7. Hunger is the best teacher.8.

Bad manager sayings

1. I'm the boss, so my word is law.2. I don't care about your personal life, just get the work done.3. If you can't handle the pressure, maybe this job isn't for you.4. I don't have time for your complaints, just do your job.5. I expect you to work overtime without extra pay, it's part of t

Sayings that are guaranteed to annoy people

1. It is what it is.2. Just relax, everything happens for a reason.3. You're overreacting.4. I told you so.5. You're too sensitive.6. Calm down.7. It's not a big deal.8. You're being dramatic.9. You should smile more.10. You'll understand when you're older.

Bye bye sayings

1. See you later, alligator!2. Catch you on the flip side!3. Adios, amigos!4. Toodle-oo!5. Farewell, my friend!6. Until we meet again!7. Take care, stay safe!8. So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye!9. Peace out!10. May the road rise up to meet you.

Caligraphy sayings tyoes out

Here are some popular sayings written in calligraphy:1. Carpe Diem - Seize the day2. Love conquers all3. Live, laugh, love4. Follow your dreams5. Be the change you wish to see in the world6. Stay positive, work hard, make it happen7. Inhale courage, exhale fear8. Believe in yourself9

Common welsh sayings

1. Iechyd da! - Good health!2. Hwyl fawr! - Goodbye!3. Croeso cynnes - A warm welcome4. Dim ond y gorau yw gennyf i - Only the best is good enough for me5. Nid aur yw popeth melyn - All that glitters is not gold6. Gwell hwyr na hwyrach - Better late than never7. Mae'n bwrw hen wragedd a

Common sayings of the maker

1. Measure twice, cut once.2. A stitch in time saves nine.3. Practice makes perfect.4. Necessity is the mother of invention.5. The early bird catches the worm.6. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.7. Hard work pays off.8. The devil is in the details.9. Rome wasn't built i

Barese sayings

1. Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano. (He who goes slowly, goes safely and goes far.)2. A mmiez'a nuttata, ogni gatta è pazz. (At midnight, every cat is crazy.)3. A 'mbriaco nun c'è malincunia. (There is no sorrow when drunk.)4. Cu 'a bocca chiusa nun c'entra mosca. (With a closed mouth, no

Employee appreciation sayings

1. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.2. Your positive attitude and commitment to excellence make a difference every day.3. We appreciate all that you do to contribute to the success of our team.4. Your work ethic and professionalism are truly inspir

Ashin wirathu sayings

Ashin Wirathu is a controversial Buddhist monk in Myanmar known for his extremist views and anti-Muslim rhetoric. Some of his sayings include:1. Muslims are like the African carp. They breed quickly and they are very violent and they eat their own kind.2. Muslims are like the African carp. They b