Wexford sayings

Here are a few popular sayings from Wexford, Ireland:

1. "Away with the fairies" - used to describe someone who is daydreaming or not paying attention.

2. "Sure, it's grand" - a common response to show that everything is okay or not a big deal.

3. "Ah, go 'way outta that!" - an expression of disbelief or surprise.

4. "As thick as thieves" - used to describe a close friendship or relationship.

5. "A sight for sore eyes" - used to express joy or relief upon seeing someone or something.

6. "Mind yourself now" - a friendly reminder to take care or be cautious.

7. "Soft day, thank God" - a typical Irish expression to describe a mild or drizzly day.

8. "Sure, where would you get it?" - a rhetorical question used to emphasize the uniqueness or rarity of something.

9. "A bit of craic" - refers to having a good time or enjoying oneself.

10. "Fair play to you" - a compliment to acknowledge someone's achievement or good deed.

Above is Wexford sayings.

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