Wise japanese sayings

1. "Fall seven times, stand up eight." (七転び八起き - Nana korobi ya oki)

2. "Even monkeys fall from trees." (猿も木から落ちる - Saru mo ki kara ochiru)

3. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." (千里の道も一歩から - Senri no michi mo ippo kara)

4. "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." (出る釘は打たれる - Deru kugi wa utareru)

5. "One kind word can warm three winter months." (一言の暖かさ三冬の霜 - Hitokoto no atatakasa sanfuyu no shimo)

6. "Even a fool has one talent." (馬鹿にも一つ才がある - Baka ni mo hitotsu sai ga aru)

7. "The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists." (曲がる竹は折れぬ - Magaru take wa ore nu)

8. "Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods." (笑う門には福来る - Warau kado ni wa fuku kitaru)

9. "When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends." (人の道を知りたければ友を見よ - Hito no michi o shiritakereba tomo o miyo)

10. "The eyes are the mirror of the soul." (目は心の鏡 - Me wa kokoro no kagami)

Above is Wise japanese sayings.

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