Wise old sayingsjealousy sayings and jealousy quotes wise old sayings

1. "Jealousy is the art of counting someone else's blessings instead of your own." - Unknown

2. "Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius." - Fulton J. Sheen

3. "Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy." - Robert A. Heinlein

4. "Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative - self-value. If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it's a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them." - Jennifer James

5. "Jealousy is the cousin of greed." - Don Roff

Above is Wise old sayingsjealousy sayings and jealousy quotes wise old sayings.

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