Wishing well sayings for invitations

1. "Make a wish and watch it come true at our wishing well party!"

2. "Join us for a magical evening of wishes and dreams at our wishing well celebration."

3. "Drop a coin and make a wish at our enchanted wishing well gathering."

4. "Come share in the joy of granting wishes at our wishing well event."

5. "Let's gather around the wishing well and make our dreams come alive together."

6. "Wish upon a star, toss a coin in the well, and let the magic begin at our special event."

7. "Join us for a whimsical evening of wishes and wonder at our wishing well affair."

8. "May your wishes come true as we gather around the wishing well for a night of celebration."

9. "Come and make your wishes known at our wishing well soirée."

10. "Let's gather around the wishing well and create memories that will last a lifetime."

Above is Wishing well sayings for invitations.

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