Wog sayings

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Above is Wog sayings.

Funny jokes and sayings about devision

1. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.2. I asked my math teacher if I could divide by zero. He said, You can try, but it's a divided issue.3. Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems to divide.4. I used to be bad at math, but then I learned division

Comic book sayings

1. With great power comes great responsibility. - Spider-Man2. I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice. - Wolverine3. It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me. - Batman4. Hulk smash! - The Incredible Hulk5. I am Iron Man. - Iron Man6. I'm

Robin of loxley sayings

Here are some famous sayings attributed to Robin Hood of Loxley:1. Steal from the rich, give to the poor.2. Justice is the only true king.3. A good deed is never lost.4. Outlaws are the only true free men.5. Even the smallest act of kindness can make a difference.6. Injustice anywhere is

Bubble sayings for kids

1. Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud.2. Dream big and sparkle brighter.3. Kindness is like glitter, it makes everything shine.4. Believe in yourself and you will shine like a star.5. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.6. In a world where

Cool and interesting words or sayings used by ausgtralians

1. G'day mate - a common Australian greeting2. Fair dinkum - genuine or true3. No worries - don't worry about it4. She'll be right - everything will be okay5. Arvo - afternoon6. Bonza - excellent or great7. Ripper - fantastic or awesome8. Struth - an expression of surprise or disbelief9. Mateship -

French sayings for sleep

1. Bonne nuit et fais de beaux rêves. (Good night and sweet dreams.)2. Ferme les yeux et dors paisiblement. (Close your eyes and sleep peacefully.)3. Dors comme un loir. (Sleep like a log.)4. Fais de beaux rêves étoilés. (Have starry dreams.)5. Dors sur tes deux oreilles. (Sleep on both ea

Controversial sayings jesus

One controversial saying attributed to Jesus is found in the Gospel of Matthew 10:34-36, where he says, Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daught

Kfc quotes sayings

1. Finger lickin' good.2. It's not just chicken, it's KFC.3. So good, you'll want to lick the plate.4. The Colonel's secret recipe never fails to satisfy.5. Bringing people together over a bucket of chicken.6. There's no such thing as too much KFC.7. Savor the flavor of KFC's original r

Birthday isnt over sayings

1. The party's not over until I say it is!2. The celebration continues!3. The fun doesn't stop just because the day is ending.4. Keep the birthday vibes going!5. Let's keep the good times rolling!6. Who says the birthday has to end at midnight?7. Birthdays are meant to be celebrated all

Sassy wine sayings

1. Wine a little, laugh a lot.2. I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.3. Wine improves with age, I improve with wine.4. Wine not?5. Wine a bit, you'll feel better.6. Wine is the answer. What was the question again?7. I'm not a wino, I'm a wine-yes.8. Wine is bottled p