Woody hayes sayings

1. "Paralyze resistance with persistence."

2. "Without winners, there wouldn't even be any civilization."

3. "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

4. "You win with people."

5. "The time to worry about winning is before you start out."

6. "You can never pay back, but you can always pay forward."

7. "There's nothing that cleanses your soul like getting the hell kicked out of you."

8. "The only thing that endures is character."

9. "You win with people."

10. "The height of your accomplishments will equal the depth of your convictions."

Above is Woody hayes sayings.

Sayings on mother

1. A mother's love is unconditional and everlasting.2. A mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's.3. Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.4. A mother is the heart of the family.5. A mother's love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.6. Mothe

Bumble bee kids sayings

Here are some cute and funny sayings that kids might associate with bumble bees:1. Bee happy!2. Buzz off, I'm busy as a bee!3. Bee-lieve in yourself!4. Bee kind, bee sweet, bee you!5. I'm as busy as a bee in a field of flowers!6. Don't worry, bee happy!7. Bee-lieve in the power of kindn

Sayings by kids

1. I can do it by myself!2. I'm not tired, I'm just resting my eyes.3. I want to be a superhero when I grow up.4. I love you to the moon and back.5. I don't want to grow up, I want to stay a kid forever.6. I have a secret, but I can't tell you.7. I want to be a princess/prince when I gr

Life jacket sayings

1. Stay afloat, stay safe.2. Don't just float through life, make waves.3. Life is a journey, wear your safety gear.4. Keep calm and wear your life jacket.5. Safety first, adventure second.6. Life is precious, protect it with a life jacket.7. Float with confidence, swim with ease.8. Li

Saints sayings about grudges

1. Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. - St. Augustine2. Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. - St. John of the Cross3. Let go of grudges and bitterness, for they only serve to poison your own soul. -

Mood in boots sayings

1. Put on your boots and stomp out negativity.2. Walking in someone else's boots can give you a new perspective.3. Life is better in boots.4. Boots on, worries gone.5. In tough times, put on your boots and keep moving forward.6. Boots are made for walking, so keep on moving.7. A good pa

Funny halloween sayings and phrases

1. Eat, drink, and be scary!2. Witch better have my candy!3. Creepin' it real.4. I'm here for the boos.5. If you've got it, haunt it.6. Fangs for the memories.7. Trick or treat yo' self.8. Resting witch face.9. I'm just here for the boos.10. You can't scare me, I have kids.

15 year old positive sayings start journey

1. Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything.2. Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow.3. Stay positive, work hard, and make it happen.4. Success is a journey, not a destination.5. You are capable of amazing things.6. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.7. Yo

Hug and never let go sayings

1. I'll hold you close and never let go.2. In your arms, I feel safe and never want to leave.3. I want to wrap you in my arms and never let go.4. I'll cherish this moment and never release you from my embrace.5. I'll hug you tight and never let go, for you are my everything.6. Let's hold

Voodoo doll sayings

1. Pins and needles, needles and pins, bring me luck and ward off sins.2. With each stitch and each pin, may my wishes begin.3. As I pierce this doll with care, may my intentions fill the air.4. Through this doll, my desires take flight, bringing blessings day and night.5. With each poke an