Yiddish sayings to comfort someone

1. "A sholem iz besser vi a guter krig." (Peace is better than a good war.)

2. "Mentsch tracht, Gott lacht." (Man plans, God laughs.)

3. "A bisele freyd far a tsore iz nit shlekht." (A little joy in times of trouble is not bad.)

4. "Ven men lebt, zol men nit veynen; ven men shtarbt, zol men nit lakhn." (When you live, don't cry; when you die, don't laugh.)

5. "A mentsch tracht un Got lacht." (Man plans and God laughs.)

6. "Az men lebt, zol men nit fargesn tsu lebn." (When you live, don't forget to live.)

7. "A troyeriker tog iz nit keyn yontif." (A sad day is not a holiday.)

8. "A troyeriker mentsch iz a lebediker mentsch." (A sad person is a living person.)

9. "A guter fraynd iz vi a guter dokter." (A good friend is like a good doctor.)

10. "In a tsore iz gut tsu hobn a fraynd." (In times of trouble, it's good to have a friend.)

Above is Yiddish sayings to comfort someone.

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