21st birthday invitation sayings funny

1. "Turning 21: Finally legal to do all the things I've been doing since I was 18!"

2. "Cheers to 21 years of questionable decisions and poor life choices. Let's make some more!"

3. "I can't keep calm, I'm turning 21! Join me for a night of unforgettable shenanigans."

4. "It's my 21st birthday and I plan on making poor decisions in style. Join me if you dare!"

5. "They say 21 is the age of responsibility... I say it's the age of partying like there's no tomorrow!"

6. "Warning: 21-year-old in training. Proceed with caution and bring your party pants!"

7. "Let's raise a glass to 21 years of surviving life's challenges. Now let's celebrate with some drinks!"

8. "Turning 21 is like unlocking a new level in the game of life. Let's see what adventures await!"

9. "Old enough to know better, young enough to still do it. Join me for my 21st birthday bash!"

10. "I'm legal, I'm lethal, and I'm ready to party! Join me for a wild 21st birthday celebration."

Above is 21st birthday invitation sayings funny.

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