40k sayings

1. "In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war."

2. "For the Emperor!"

3. "The Emperor protects."

4. "Beware the alien, the mutant, the heretic."

5. "In the end, there is only war."

6. "Only in death does duty end."

7. "A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy."

8. "The galaxy is a dark place; and I am its shadow."

9. "Knowledge is power, guard it well."

10. "Even in death, I still serve."

11. "Purge the unclean!"

12. "There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."

13. "The only good xenos is a dead xenos."

14. "The weak will always be led by the strong."

15. "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."

16. "The only true fear is of failure."

17. "In the darkness, follow the light of the Emperor."

18. "Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none."

19. "The Emperor's light is a beacon in the darkness."

20. "Faith is purest when it is unquestioning."

21. "In the service of the Emperor, we are never alone."

22. "To doubt the Emperor is to doubt yourself."

23. "The Emperor's will is absolute."

24. "There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."

25. "The Emperor's mercy is a gift bestowed upon the faithful."

26. "In war, truth is the first casualty."

27. "The Emperor's justice is swift and final."

28. "The Emperor's wrath is a storm that cannot be weathered."

29. "The Emperor's light shines brightest in the darkest of times."

30. "In the face of darkness, the Emperor's light will guide us."

31. "To stand against the Emperor is to stand against humanity itself."

32. "The Emperor's will is our command."

33. "In the Emperor's name, we shall triumph."

34. "The Emperor's enemies are our enemies."

35. "The Emperor's glory is eternal."

36. "In the Emperor's service, there is no room for doubt."

37. "The Emperor's truth is the only truth."

38. "In the Emperor's name, we shall cleanse the galaxy."

39. "The Emperor's light will burn away the darkness."

40. "In the Emperor's name, we shall prevail."

Above is 40k sayings.

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