49th birthday t shirt sayings

1. "Aged to perfection at 49"

2. "49 and fabulous"

3. "Vintage 1973, 49 years of awesomeness"

4. "49 and still rocking it"

5. "49 and loving life"

6. "49 years young"

7. "Living my best life at 49"

8. "49 and thriving"

9. "49 and fabulous, just like fine wine"

10. "49 and feeling fine"

Above is 49th birthday t shirt sayings.

Common spanish sayings

1. Más vale tarde que nunca - Better late than never2. A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda - The early bird catches the worm3. No hay mal que por bien no venga - Every cloud has a silver lining4. En boca cerrada no entran moscas - Silence is golden5. Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres -

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Sufi sayings on patience

1. Patience is the key to paradise. - Rumi2. Patience is the remedy for every sorrow. - Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya3. Patience is the greatest of all virtues. - Al-Ghazali4. Patience is the mark of true spirituality. - Ibn Arabi5. Patience is the path to wisdom. - Jalaluddin Rumi6. Patience is

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1. A bookmaker is a person who makes his living off of other people's hopes and dreams.2. Bookmakers are the gatekeepers of chance, holding the key to both fortune and ruin.3. In the world of bookmakers, the odds are always in their favor.4. Bookmakers are like modern-day alchemists, turning

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1. Congratulations on taking the leap and starting your own business! Wishing you all the success in the world.2. Here's to new beginnings and endless possibilities! Congratulations on your new venture.3. You're officially a boss! Congratulations on your new business, may it bring you joy and p

Sayings about users

1. Users are the lifeblood of any product or service.2. Users are the ultimate judges of a product's success.3. Listen to your users, for they hold the key to improvement.4. Users are not just customers, they are partners in your success.5. Treat your users well, and they will become your b

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Death sayings bible

Here are a few Bible verses that mention death and offer comfort or wisdom:1. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. - Psalm 34:182. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they co