Sufi sayings on patience

1. "Patience is the key to paradise." - Rumi

2. "Patience is the remedy for every sorrow." - Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

3. "Patience is the greatest of all virtues." - Al-Ghazali

4. "Patience is the mark of true spirituality." - Ibn Arabi

5. "Patience is the path to wisdom." - Jalaluddin Rumi

6. "Patience is the strength of the believer." - Imam Ali

7. "Patience is the weapon of the believer." - Ibn Taymiyyah

8. "Patience is the key to unlocking the doors of blessings." - Shaykh Saadi

9. "Patience is the foundation of faith." - Imam Al-Nawawi

10. "Patience is the light that guides us through the darkness of trials." - Shaykh Ibn Ata'illah

Above is Sufi sayings on patience.

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