50th birthday party sayings

1. "Fifty and fabulous!"

2. "Aged to perfection at 50!"

3. "Half a century never looked so good!"

4. "Cheers to 50 years!"

5. "50 and still rocking it!"

6. "Life begins at 50!"

7. "50 is the new 30!"

8. "Golden at 50!"

9. "Fifty and thriving!"

10. "Celebrating 5 decades of awesomeness!"

Above is 50th birthday party sayings.

Apemantus quotes and sayings

1. I have heard it said that as we grow older, we become more like ourselves. I believe this to be true. 2. The world is full of fools, and he who would not see it should live alone and smash his mirror. 3. I am a man more sinned against than sinning. 4. The sun shines hot and the wind blows

Cute instagram profile sayings

1. Living my best life, one post at a time.2. Slaying the gram with my cuteness.3. Just a girl with a camera and a dream.4. Smiling through life's filters.5. Embracing my flaws and filters.6. Chasing dreams and likes.7. Making memories and moments.8. Filtering out the negativity.9.

Sayings about someone trying the same old line

1. He's like a broken record, always playing the same old tune.2. She's stuck in a rut, repeating the same tired lines.3. He's like a parrot, just regurgitating the same old phrases.4. She's like a broken clock, always saying the same thing at the same time.5. He's like a one-trick pony, re

Belarus common sayings

1. Не в ту лесопилку попал (Nye v tu lesopilku popal) - Literally translates to You've ended up in the wrong sawmill, meaning you've made a mistake or ended up in a difficult situation.2. Прыцягваць калянку (Prytsiagvats' kalianku) - Translates to To pull the watermelon, meaning to procrasti

Good sayings in life

1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer3. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. - Charles R. Sw

Fortune cookie meaning sayings

1. You will soon receive good news that will bring you joy and happiness.2. A new opportunity will present itself to you, seize it with confidence.3. Your hard work and dedication will soon pay off, stay focused.4. Embrace change with an open heart, it will lead you to new beginnings.5. Tru

Cake sayings

1. Life is short, eat the cake.2. Cake is the answer, no matter the question.3. Cake: the sweetest form of therapy.4. Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not.5. Cake makes everything better.6. You can't buy happiness, but you can buy cake, and that's kind of the s

Christmas card sayings to girlfriend

1. You are the best gift I could ever ask for. Merry Christmas, my love.2. Spending the holidays with you is the greatest joy. Merry Christmas, sweetheart.3. Wishing you a Christmas filled with love, joy, and all the happiness in the world.4. You make every day feel like Christmas with your l

Sayings about solving problems

1. Don't dwell on the problem, focus on the solution.2. Every problem has a solution, you just have to find it.3. In the face of a problem, be a problem solver, not a problem dweller.4. The best way to solve a problem is to face it head-on.5. Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines

Sayings about two things that go together

- Like peanut butter and jelly.- Two peas in a pod.- Hand in glove.- Bread and butter.- Salt and pepper.- Love and marriage.- Hugs and kisses.- Stars and stripes.- Fish and chips.- Rum and coke.