911 operator sayings

1. "911, what's your emergency?"

2. "Stay calm, help is on the way."

3. "Can you provide your location?"

4. "What is the nature of your emergency?"

5. "Please stay on the line, do not hang up."

6. "Are you in a safe location?"

7. "Do you need police, fire, or medical assistance?"

8. "Can you describe the situation to me?"

9. "Follow any instructions I give you."

10. "Help is coming, just stay on the line with me."

Above is 911 operator sayings.

Most canadian sayings

1. Sorry, eh?2. It's a beauty day, eh?3. I'm going to Timmies, want anything?4. I'm just going to grab my toque and head out.5. Let's go for a rip, bud.6. That's a real chinook out there.7. I'm going to the LCBO to pick up some brews.8. I'm feeling pretty hoser today.9. I'm going to

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