A figure of speech sayings

1. "Bite the bullet" - to endure a painful or difficult situation with courage

2. "Break the ice" - to initiate conversation or ease tension in a social setting

3. "Caught between a rock and a hard place" - facing a difficult decision with no easy solution

4. "Don't cry over spilled milk" - don't waste time worrying about things that have already happened

5. "Every cloud has a silver lining" - there is always something positive to be found in a negative situation

6. "Jump on the bandwagon" - to join a popular trend or movement

7. "Kill two birds with one stone" - to accomplish two tasks with a single action

8. "The early bird catches the worm" - being proactive or prompt can lead to success

9. "You can't judge a book by its cover" - appearances can be deceiving

10. "Actions speak louder than words" - what someone does is more important than what they say

Above is A figure of speech sayings.

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Origin of phrases and sayings

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