Abba anthony sayings

1. "I saw the snares that the enemy spreads out over the world and I said groaning, 'What can get through from such snares?' Then I heard a voice saying to me, 'Humility.'"

2. "A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad, you are not like us.'"

3. "A time is coming when people will be insane, and when they see one who is not insane, they will attack him, saying, 'You are insane, you are not like us.'"

4. "I no longer fear God, but I love Him. For love casts out fear."

5. "I saw the snares that the enemy spreads out over the world and I said groaning, 'What can get through from such snares?' Then I heard a voice saying to me, 'Humility.'"

6. "A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad, you are not like us.'"

7. "A time is coming when people will be insane, and when they see one who is not insane, they will attack him, saying, 'You are insane, you are not like us.'"

8. "I no longer fear God, but I love Him. For love casts out fear."

9. "Our life and our death is with our neighbor. If we gain our brother, we have gained God, but if we scandalize our brother, we have sinned against Christ."

10. "I saw the snares that the enemy spreads out over the world and I said groaning, 'What can get through from such snares?' Then I heard a voice saying to me, 'Humility.'"

Above is Abba anthony sayings.

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