Abide in god quotes sayings

1. "Abide in me, and I in you." - John 15:4

2. "Abide in God and let Him abide in you. Nothing in this world can take the place of God in your life." - Unknown

3. "To abide in God is to dwell in His presence, to rest in His love, and to find peace in His grace." - Unknown

4. "Abide in God's love, and you will find true joy and fulfillment in life." - Unknown

5. "When you abide in God, you are rooted in His strength, sheltered by His grace, and guided by His wisdom." - Unknown

6. "Abide in God's word, for it is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path." - Unknown

7. "Abide in the presence of God, and you will experience His peace that surpasses all understanding." - Unknown

8. "Abide in God's promises, for they are true and faithful, and will never fail you." - Unknown

9. "Abide in God's love, and you will be filled with His joy, peace, and hope." - Unknown

10. "Abide in God's presence, and you will find rest for your soul and strength for your journey." - Unknown

Above is Abide in god quotes sayings.

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