Absurdist humor sayings

1. "I told my computer I needed a break, and it replied with 'Ctrl+Alt+Delight'."

2. "I asked my dog for some fashion advice, and he just rolled over and played dead."

3. "I tried to make a joke about construction, but I'm still working on it."

4. "I asked the mirror who the fairest of them all was, and it replied with 'Error 404: Beauty not found'."

5. "I tried to organize a hide and seek competition, but it was a total disaster. Nobody could find me."

6. "I tried to teach my cat to play the piano, but all she played was 'Meow-sic'."

7. "I asked the clock for the time, and it said 'Time to get a watch, buddy'."

8. "I tried to have a staring contest with a statue, but it won by a landslide."

9. "I asked the banana peel for some advice on life, and it just slipped away."

10. "I tried to have a deep conversation with a rubber duck, but all it said was 'Quack'."

Above is Absurdist humor sayings.

Sayings with two

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