Abusive relationships quotes sayings

1. "Love shouldn't hurt. If it does, it's not love."

2. "You deserve someone who loves you, not someone who hurts you."

3. "Don't let someone dim your light just because it's shining in their eyes."

4. "You are not a punching bag, you are a human being deserving of respect."

5. "The only thing you owe someone in an abusive relationship is an exit strategy."

6. "You are not defined by the scars they leave on you, but by the strength it took to survive."

7. "You are not weak for staying, you are strong for surviving."

8. "Abuse is never a sign of love, it's a sign of control."

9. "You are not responsible for someone else's abusive behavior, you are only responsible for your own well-being."

10. "You are worthy of a love that lifts you up, not tears you down."

Above is Abusive relationships quotes sayings.

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