Adult baptism sayings

1. "I have decided to follow Jesus, and today I publicly declare my faith through baptism."

2. "I am washed clean in the waters of baptism, ready to walk in newness of life."

3. "I am buried with Christ in baptism, and raised to walk in newness of life."

4. "Today I am born again through the waters of baptism, a new creation in Christ."

5. "I am a child of God, redeemed and washed clean through the sacrament of baptism."

6. "I have been saved by grace through faith, and today I seal my commitment through baptism."

7. "As I rise from the waters of baptism, I am reminded of the power of Christ's resurrection in my life."

8. "I am grateful for the opportunity to publicly proclaim my faith through the act of baptism."

9. "Today I symbolically die to my old self and rise again as a new creation in Christ through baptism."

10. "I am filled with joy and gratitude as I take this step of obedience and faith through adult baptism."

Above is Adult baptism sayings.

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