Aes sedai ajahs sayings

Here are some sayings associated with the Ajahs of the Aes Sedai in Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series:

1. Blue Ajah: "The best place to hide a leaf is in the forest."

2. Brown Ajah: "The greatest power is knowledge."

3. Gray Ajah: "Let the storm rage and the winds blow, for the wise man knows it is only a passing breeze."

4. Green Ajah: "In battle, unity is strength."

5. Yellow Ajah: "Healing is a balance of art and science."

6. White Ajah: "Inquiry is the path to truth."

7. Red Ajah: "The flame of Tar Valon burns within us all."

8. Brown Ajah: "The search for knowledge is endless."

9. Gray Ajah: "In negotiation, compromise is key."

10. Blue Ajah: "Justice is the foundation of peace."

These sayings reflect the values and philosophies of each Ajah within the Aes Sedai organization.

Above is Aes sedai ajahs sayings.

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