Alabama sayings quotes

1. "Sweet home Alabama."

2. "Roll Tide!" (referring to the University of Alabama football team)

3. "Bless your heart."

4. "Y'all come back now, ya hear?"

5. "If you don't like the weather in Alabama, just wait a few minutes."

6. "Southern hospitality at its finest."

7. "Fixin' to do something" (meaning getting ready to do something)

8. "Ain't that just the way the cookie crumbles?"

9. "You can take the girl out of Alabama, but you can't take Alabama out of the girl."

10. "In Alabama, we don't hide crazy. We parade it down the street."

Above is Alabama sayings quotes.

Cute thanksgiving sayings for family

1. Grateful hearts gather here.2. Thankful, blessed, and mashed potato obsessed.3. Family, food, and gratitude.4. Gobble 'til you wobble.5. Feast mode: on.6. Thankful for moments like these.7. Gratitude is the best attitude.8. Thanksgiving: a time to gather, give thanks, and eat pie.

Short recovery sayings

1. One day at a time.2. Progress, not perfection.3. Keep moving forward.4. Every setback is a setup for a comeback.5. Stay strong, stay positive.6. You are stronger than you think.7. Believe in yourself.8. This too shall pass.9. You've got this.10. Embrace the journey.

Girly sayings on instagram

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1. A baby boy is a little miracle that never ceases to be miraculous. - Unknown2. Boys are God's way of telling you that your house is too neat. - Unknown3. A baby boy may leave smudges in the house and also on your heart. - Unknown4. Little boys bring so much joy and wonder into the world.

Cute 5th birthday sayings

1. Five years old and oh so bold!2. Five years of laughter, love, and fun!3. Happy 5th birthday to our little ray of sunshine!4. Five years of joy, five years of love, happy birthday to our little dove!5. Five years of giggles, five years of smiles, happy birthday to our little child!6. F

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1. Tough times don't last, tough people do.2. Keep your head up, your faith strong, and your heart open.3. Every storm runs out of rain.4. The sun will shine after the storm.5. Stay strong, stay positive, and never give up.6. Tears may fall, but they will dry.7. You are stronger than yo

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1. Tea is liquid wisdom. - Anonymous2. Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept. - Frances Hardinge3. Tea is the elixir of life. - Lao Tzu4. Tea is a hug in a cup. - Anonymous5. Tea is the answer to everything. - Anonymous6. Tea is the magic potion that can cure any bad da

Sayings with air

1. A breath of fresh air.2. Clear the air.3. Full of hot air.4. In the air.5. Up in the air.6. Blow hot and cold.7. In the clear blue air.8. Out of thin air.9. Like a breath of fresh air.10. Air your grievances.