Sayings about tea

1. "Tea is liquid wisdom." - Anonymous

2. "Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept." - Frances Hardinge

3. "Tea is the elixir of life." - Lao Tzu

4. "Tea is a hug in a cup." - Anonymous

5. "Tea is the answer to everything." - Anonymous

6. "Tea is the magic potion that can cure any bad day." - Anonymous

7. "Tea is a drink that relieves thirst and dissipates sorrow." - Chinese proverb

8. "Tea is the drink that warms the soul." - Anonymous

9. "Tea is the ultimate remedy for all of life's problems." - Anonymous

10. "Tea is like a hug in a cup, soothing and comforting." - Anonymous

Above is Sayings about tea.

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Avoiding sayings

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