Alf garnett sayings and

Here are some famous sayings from Alf Garnett, a fictional character known for his controversial and politically incorrect views:

1. "I mean, it's a disgrace, innit? Bloody disgrace!"

2. "You don't know you're born, mate!"

3. "It's political correctness gone mad!"

4. "Bloody foreigners, coming over here and taking our jobs!"

5. "I'm not racist, but..."

6. "You can't say anything these days without offending someone!"

7. "Back in my day, we didn't have all this nonsense!"

8. "The country's going to the dogs, mark my words!"

9. "It's the bleeding government, they're all a bunch of useless idiots!"

10. "I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking!"

Above is Alf garnett sayings and.

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