Love my son quotes and sayings

1. "A son is a mother's pride and joy, a father's treasure and hope."

2. "A son is a reflection of his parents' love and guidance."

3. "A son may outgrow your lap, but he will never outgrow your heart."

4. "A son is a gift that keeps on giving, a blessing that never fades."

5. "A son is a piece of your heart walking around outside your body."

6. "Having a son is like having a piece of heaven right here on earth."

7. "A son is a love that never ends, a bond that never breaks."

8. "A son is a promise of the future, a reminder of the past, and a joy of the present."

9. "A son is a source of strength, a reason to believe in tomorrow."

10. "A son is a precious gem, a shining light in a parent's life."

Above is Love my son quotes and sayings.

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