All def jam fight for ny character sayings

Here are some of the character sayings from Def Jam: Fight for NY:

1. "You can't stop me, I'm a force of nature!" - D-Mob

2. "You ain't got nothin' on me!" - Crow

3. "I'm the king of the streets!" - Blaze

4. "You wanna piece of me? Bring it on!" - Sticky Fingaz

5. "I'm gonna break you in half!" - Bone Crusher

6. "You think you can handle me? Think again!" - Ludacris

7. "I'm gonna knock you out cold!" - Method Man

8. "You're messing with the wrong guy!" - Snoop Dogg

9. "I'm gonna make you pay for stepping to me!" - Carmen Electra

10. "You're going down, punk!" - Sean Paul

These are just a few examples of the character sayings in the game. Each character has their own unique taunts and catchphrases that they use during fights.

Above is All def jam fight for ny character sayings.

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