Alt tik tok sayings

1. "It's not a phase, it's a lifestyle."

2. "If you can't handle me at my TikTok dances, you don't deserve me at my real self."

3. "I didn't choose the TikTok life, the TikTok life chose me."

4. "I'm not addicted to TikTok, I'm committed to it."

5. "My phone battery dies, but my TikTok addiction never does."

6. "TikTok made me do it."

7. "I came for the memes, but I stayed for the TikToks."

8. "TikTok is my happy place."

9. "Life is short, make it TikTok-worthy."

10. "TikTok is the new therapy."

Above is Alt tik tok sayings.

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