An old bear is just a bear sayings

"An old bear is still a bear."

Above is An old bear is just a bear sayings.

Chicken soup again flu sayings

Chicken soup is good for the soul and the flu. When in doubt, make chicken soup for the flu. Chicken soup: the ultimate comfort food for fighting the flu. Nothing beats a bowl of chicken soup when you're feeling under the weather with the flu. Chicken soup: the age-old remedy for the flu th

February month sayings

1. February is the shortest month, but it is filled with love and warmth.2. February, the month of love, friendship, and kindness.3. In February, the heart beats a little faster.4. February brings a touch of spring in the midst of winter.5. February is the month of cozy sweaters and hot cho

Big daddy sayings

1. Don't cry over spilled milk.2. A little hard work never hurt anyone.3. Life's tough, but you're tougher.4. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.5. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.6. Actions speak louder than words.7. You reap what you sow.8. Stand tall a

Religious clip art sayings

Here are some religious clip art sayings that you may find inspiring:1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart - Proverbs 3:52. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Philippians 4:133. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble - Psalm 46:14. Be still and

Cute sayings for backgrounds

1. Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.2. Life is short, make it sweet.3. Stay wild, moon child.4. Happiness looks gorgeous on you.5. Let your light shine.6. Be a pineapple: stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.7. Embrace the glorious mess that you are.8. Good vibes on

Quotes donald trump sayings

1. I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.2. The beauty of me is that I'm very rich.3. I have a grea

Diamond rings sayings

1. A diamond is forever.2. Diamonds are a girl's best friend.3. Shine bright like a diamond.4. Diamonds are a symbol of everlasting love.5. Diamonds are a timeless classic.6. Diamonds are a symbol of strength and resilience.7. Diamonds are a mark of luxury and elegance.8. Diamonds are

Funny sayings about being confused

1. I'm so confused, I feel like a cat trying to chase its own tail.2. I'm as confused as a chameleon in a bag of Skittles.3. I'm more lost than a penguin in the desert.4. I'm so confused, I feel like a squirrel trying to solve a Rubik's cube.5. I'm as confused as a mosquito in a nudist colo

Newfoundland phrases and sayings

1. Stay where you're to 'til I comes where you're at. - A way of saying Stay put until I come to you.2. Long may your big jib draw. - A wish for good fortune and success.3. You can't tell the thickness of the ice by the sound of the fiddle. - Don't judge a situation based on appearances.4.

Sister-in-law quotes and sayings

1. A sister-in-law is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, and a golden thread to the meaning of life. 2. Sisters by marriage, friends by choice.3. A sister-in-law is like a rainbow, adding color to your life.4. In my sister-in-law, I found a lifelong friend.5. Sisters-in-law are th