Anaximander sayings

Anaximander was a pre-Socratic philosopher from ancient Greece, known for his contributions to cosmology and metaphysics. While there are no direct quotes attributed to Anaximander, some of his key ideas and sayings include:

1. "The Boundless" (apeiron) - Anaximander believed that the fundamental substance of the universe was an infinite, indefinite, and boundless principle from which all things originated and to which all things returned.

2. "Nature is eternal" - Anaximander posited that the natural world operates according to eternal laws and principles, rather than being governed by the whims of the gods.

3. "The apeiron governs all things" - Anaximander believed that the Boundless was the ultimate source of order and balance in the universe, regulating the cycles of creation and destruction.

4. "The origin of things is the apeiron" - Anaximander argued that all things in the universe emerged from the Boundless and would eventually return to it, in a perpetual cycle of creation and destruction.

These sayings capture some of the key philosophical ideas of Anaximander and his unique perspective on the nature of the cosmos.

Above is Anaximander sayings.

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