Warhammer 40k chaos sayings

1. "In the embrace of chaos, all is possible."

2. "The weak will always be consumed by the strong."

3. "To doubt is to invite damnation."

4. "In the darkness, we find our true power."

5. "Suffering is the currency of our ascension."

6. "To resist change is to deny the will of the gods."

7. "The galaxy is a tapestry of suffering, and we are the weavers."

8. "In the heart of chaos, there is only truth."

9. "Embrace the madness, for it is our salvation."

10. "Only through chaos can we truly be free."

Above is Warhammer 40k chaos sayings.

Rider sayings

1. Ride like the wind.2. Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.3. Live to ride, ride to live.4. The road is calling and I must go.5. Born to ride, forced to work.6. Ride it like you stole it.7. Two wheels, one love.8. Life is short, ride hard.9. Ride fast, take chances

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