And keeps the sayings

"Actions speak louder than words."

Above is And keeps the sayings.

Funny sayings about politicians

1. Politicians are like diapers, they should be changed regularly and for the same reason.2. Politicians and diapers have one thing in common - they both need to be changed often for the same reason.3. Politicians are like bananas, they start off green and end up rotten.4. Politicians are lik

Church road sign sayings

1. Love thy neighbor as thyself.2. Faith can move mountains.3. Let your light shine.4. God is our refuge and strength.5. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.7. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.8. God's grace is sufficient.9. Walk

Best mustache sayings

1. A man without a mustache is like a cup of tea without sugar.2. A mustache is a gentleman's way of saying 'I mean business'.3. Behind every great mustache is a great man.4. A good mustache can make a man look ten times more handsome.5. A mustache is the mark of a real man.6. I mustache

Superman theme sayings

1. Truth, justice, and the American way.2. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.3. Up, up, and away!4. It's not an 'S.' On my world, it means hope.5. I'm here to fight for truth, justice, and the American way.6. The

Silver angel ornaments with sayings

Silver angel ornaments with sayings can make beautiful and meaningful decorations for the holiday season or as gifts for loved ones. Here are some ideas for sayings that could be engraved or printed on silver angel ornaments:1. Guardian Angel2. Blessed and Loved3. Peace on Earth4. Faith, Hope

Cliche cop sayings vs

Cliche Cop Sayings:1. Freeze! You're under arrest!2. You have the right to remain silent.3. I'm taking you downtown.4. Book 'em, Danno.5. You're going away for a long time.6. You're in a lot of trouble, buddy.7. You're going down, punk.8. You're not getting away this time.9. You're

Funny ozark sayings

1. He's slicker than a snot on a doorknob.2. She's crazier than a sack full of possums.3. Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!4. He's about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.5. She's madder than a wet hen.6. He's as lost as a goose in a snowstorm.7. Well, I'll be dipped i

Sayings related to money

1. Money talks.2. Money can't buy happiness.3. A penny saved is a penny earned.4. Money makes the world go round.5. Easy come, easy go.6. Money is the root of all evil.7. Time is money.8. Money can't buy love.9. Money doesn't grow on trees.10. It takes money to make money.

Rascal sayings

1. I'm not a troublemaker, I'm just full of spontaneous ideas.2. Rules were made to be broken, right?3. I may be mischievous, but I always have good intentions.4. I didn't mean to cause chaos, it just follows me wherever I go.5. I'm not a rascal, I'm just a master of fun.6. Life's too sho

Cute yeti cup sayings

1. Chill out with my yeti cup!2. Yeti for adventure!3. Stay cool, drink from a yeti cup.4. Sasquatch sips in style.5. Yeti or not, here I drink!6. Snow much fun with my yeti cup.7. Bigfoot approved hydration.8. Yeti, set, sip!9. Cold drinks, warm heart, yeti cup.10. Abominably awe