Angels amongst us sayings

1. "Angels walk among us, sometimes they are unseen but always present."

2. "In times of trouble, look for the angels among us, they are the ones who bring light to the darkness."

3. "The kindness of strangers is often the work of angels among us."

4. "Angels come in many forms, sometimes they are disguised as ordinary people."

5. "Believe in the power of angels among us, for they bring hope and comfort in times of need."

6. "When you least expect it, angels among us appear to guide and protect us."

7. "The world is full of angels in disguise, ready to lend a helping hand to those in need."

8. "Keep your heart open to the angels among us, for they bring love and compassion into our lives."

9. "Angels walk beside us, whispering words of encouragement and strength in our darkest moments."

10. "May you always be surrounded by the angels among us, guiding you on your journey through life."

Above is Angels amongst us sayings.

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