Anniversary sayings for parents funny

1. "Congratulations on surviving another year of marriage without killing each other. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!"

2. "Here's to another year of putting up with each other's quirks and bad jokes. Happy anniversary, you two!"

3. "You two are like a fine wine - you only get better with age. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!"

4. "I'm starting to think you two are secretly superheroes, because only superheroes could put up with each other for this long. Happy anniversary!"

5. "To the couple who still knows how to have fun together after all these years - happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!"

6. "They say marriage is like a rollercoaster, and you two must be riding the craziest one out there. Happy anniversary!"

7. "You two are the ultimate relationship goals - if by goals you mean surviving each other's snoring and bad cooking. Happy anniversary!"

8. "Congratulations on another year of tolerating each other's weird habits. You're an inspiration to dysfunctional couples everywhere. Happy anniversary!"

9. "Here's to the couple who proves that love is blind, deaf, and has no sense of smell. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!"

10. "You two are living proof that marriage is a life sentence with the possibility of parole. Happy anniversary!"

Above is Anniversary sayings for parents funny.

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