Anti drug campaign sayings

1. "Don't let drugs control your life, take control instead."

2. "Say no to drugs, say yes to a healthy life."

3. "Drugs are a dead end, choose life instead."

4. "Be drug-free, be happy and free."

5. "Drugs destroy dreams, stay clean and reach your goals."

6. "Choose to refuse drugs and choose a brighter future."

7. "Your future is worth more than a high, say no to drugs."

8. "Drugs don't make you cool, they make you a fool."

9. "Life is a journey, don't let drugs derail you."

10. "Love yourself enough to say no to drugs."

Above is Anti drug campaign sayings.

No money sayings

1. Money can't buy happiness.2. The best things in life are free.3. Money isn't everything.4. You can't take it with you when you go.5. Riches do not guarantee contentment.6. Money doesn't grow on trees.7. The love of money is the root of all evil.8. A penny saved is a penny earned.9

Rust sayings

1. Rust never sleeps.2. Rust is the enemy of all things metal.3. Rust is like a silent thief, slowly stealing away the strength of metal.4. A little rust can quickly turn into a big problem.5. Rust is a reminder of the passage of time and the impermanence of all things.6. Fight rust with

Last fling before the ring sayings

1. One last hurrah before the wedding day!2. Final fling before the wedding ring!3. Last chance to let loose before tying the knot!4. One more wild night before becoming a bride/groom!5. One final celebration before saying 'I do'!6. One last party as a single person!7. One more night of

Get to the point sayings

1. Cut to the chase.2. Get straight to the point.3. Don't beat around the bush.4. Let's not mince words.5. Get down to brass tacks.6. Don't drag it out.7. No need for preamble.8. Keep it concise.9. Spare me the details.10. Bottom line it for me.

Chinese sayings travel

1. 行百里者半九十. (xíng bǎi lǐ zhě bàn jiǔ shí) - The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.2. 路遥知马力,日久见人心. (lù yáo zhī mǎ lì, rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn) - A long journey tests a horse's strength, a long time tests a person's heart.3. 路不拾遗. (lù bù shí yí) - On the road, no one picks u

Sayings for little girls birthday invitations

1. Join us for a magical day as we celebrate [Name]'s birthday!2. Come and play, it's [Name]'s special day!3. Let's make some memories at [Name]'s birthday party!4. Princesses, unicorns, and fun galore, it's [Name]'s birthday party and so much more!5. Twirl, dance, and twinkle with glee, it

Colorful crayon teacher sayings

1. Stay sharp and colorful, just like a crayon!2. Let's color outside the lines and think creatively!3. You're the brightest crayon in the box!4. Keep on coloring your world with knowledge and creativity!5. In this classroom, we create masterpieces with our minds!6. Don't be afraid to mak

Best 2021 sayings

1. New year, new beginnings.2. Embrace the journey, trust the process.3. Every day is a fresh start.4. Dream big, work hard, stay focused.5. Be the energy you want to attract.6. Progress over perfection.7. Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.8. Choose kindness and spread love.9. Believe

3rd birthday party sayings

1. Three cheers for the birthday boy/girl turning three!2. Three years of joy, laughter, and love - let's celebrate!3. Three times the fun, three times the love, three years old and soaring above!4. Turning three is so much fun, let's party until the day is done!5. Three years of blessings,

Funny golf sayings for good luck

1. May your ball lie in green pastures and not in still waters.2. May your drives be long and straight, and your putts be short and sweet.3. May your golf game be as smooth as a well-oiled swing.4. May your scorecard be filled with birdies and eagles, and not bogeys and double bogeys.5. May