App moji sayings

1. "Life is short, eat the cake."

2. "Don't worry, be happy."

3. "You are stronger than you think."

4. "Dream big, work hard."

5. "Embrace the journey, not just the destination."

6. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

7. "Find joy in the little things."

8. "You are capable of amazing things."

9. "Believe in yourself, always."

10. "Choose happiness every day."

Above is App moji sayings.

Modern sayings

1. YOLO - You only live once2. FOMO - Fear of missing out3. Slay - To do something exceptionally well4. Lit - Something that is exciting or amazing5. On fleek - On point or perfectly styled6. Throwing shade - Making subtle insults or criticisms7. Keep it 100 - Be honest and genuine8.

Sayings about being pissed off at someone

1. I'm so angry I could spit nails.2. I'm so mad I could chew nails and spit bullets.3. I'm fuming mad.4. I'm about as happy as a mosquito in a nudist colony.5. I'm so angry I could punch a wall.6. I'm so mad I could scream.7. I'm boiling with rage.8. I'm so pissed off I could flip a

Cantonese sayings funny

Here are a few funny Cantonese sayings:1. 唔好話我係豬,我唔識游水 (m4 hou2 waa6 ngo5 hai6 zyu1, ngo5 m4 sik1 jau4 seoi2) - Don't call me a pig, I can't swim.2. 食得唔飽,飲得唔醉,點算係人生 (sik6 dak1 m4 baau2, jam2 dak1 m4 zeoi2, dim2 syun3 hai6 jan4 sang1) - Eating without getting full, drinking without getting dru

German idioms and sayings

1. Das ist mir Wurst - Literally translates to That's sausage to me, meaning I don't care.2. Tomaten auf den Augen haben - Translates to Having tomatoes on your eyes, meaning someone is not seeing something obvious.3. Da steppt der Bär - Translates to There the bear dances, meaning the

Sayings with cheese in them

1. Say cheese!2. The big cheese3. Cheese it!4. Cheese and crackers5. Cut the cheese6. Cheesy grin7. The cheese stands alone8. Cheeseball9. Grilled cheese10. Cheese on top

Cowboy boot quotes and sayings

1. Give a girl the right pair of boots and she can conquer the world. 2. These boots were made for walkin', and that's just what they'll do. 3. Life is short, buy the boots. 4. A cowboy's boots are his best friends, they take him where he wants to go. 5. Boots, chaps, and cowboy hats - that

Quotes and sayings something and seizure

Life is a series of seizures of the unexpected, embrace the chaos and find beauty in the unpredictable.

Funny southern food sayings

1. I'm sweatin' like a sinner in church.2. He's as happy as a pig in mud.3. She's busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor.4. I'm so hungry I could eat the hind leg off a north-bound mule.5. He's as confused as a cow on astroturf.6. I'm as full as a tick on a hound dog.7. She's

Old time proverbs sayings

1. A stitch in time saves nine.2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.3. Actions speak louder than words.4. The early bird catches the worm.5. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.6. All good things must come to an end.7. Where there's a will, there's a way.8. Better late tha

Popular bristol sayings

1. Alright my lover? - A friendly greeting commonly used in Bristol.2. Gert lush - Used to describe something that is really good or enjoyable.3. Where's that to? - A phrase used to ask for directions or the location of something.4. Cheers drive - A way to thank a bus driver or taxi driver.5