Cantonese sayings funny

Here are a few funny Cantonese sayings:

1. "唔好話我係豬,我唔識游水" (m4 hou2 waa6 ngo5 hai6 zyu1, ngo5 m4 sik1 jau4 seoi2) - "Don't call me a pig, I can't swim."

2. "食得唔飽,飲得唔醉,點算係人生" (sik6 dak1 m4 baau2, jam2 dak1 m4 zeoi2, dim2 syun3 hai6 jan4 sang1) - "Eating without getting full, drinking without getting drunk, what kind of life is this?"

3. "冇腦冇尾,似鬼似怪" (mou5 nou5 mou5 mei5, ci5 gwai2 ci5 gwaai3) - "No brains, no tail, like a ghost or monster."

These sayings are often used humorously in Cantonese conversations.

Above is Cantonese sayings funny.

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