April fools day birthday sayings

1. "Another year older, another year wiser... or so they say! Happy April Fools' Day Birthday!"

2. "On your special day, may the pranks be plenty and the laughter be endless! Happy Birthday on April Fools' Day!"

3. "You may have been born on April Fools' Day, but you're no joke! Wishing you a day filled with surprises and joy."

4. "Here's to a birthday that's as fun and unpredictable as April Fools' Day itself! Enjoy every moment!"

5. "May your birthday be filled with laughter, surprises, and a touch of mischief! Happy April Fools' Day Birthday!"

6. "Birthdays and pranks go hand in hand, especially on April Fools' Day! Have a fantastic day filled with laughter and joy."

7. "Another year older, another year of fooling everyone into thinking you're getting old! Happy Birthday on April Fools' Day!"

8. "Celebrate your special day with a dash of humor and a sprinkle of mischief! Happy April Fools' Day Birthday!"

9. "Wishing you a birthday that's full of surprises, laughter, and unforgettable memories! Happy Birthday on April Fools' Day!"

10. "May your birthday be as fun and unpredictable as April Fools' Day itself! Enjoy every moment and embrace the joy of the day!"

Above is April fools day birthday sayings.

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