Arabic quotes and sayings

1. "الصديق وقت الضيق." (A friend in need is a friend indeed.)

2. "العقل زينة." (Intelligence is beauty.)

3. "الصبر مفتاح الفرج." (Patience is the key to relief.)

4. "الحب أعمى." (Love is blind.)

5. "العلم نور." (Knowledge is light.)

6. "الجوع أفضل طبق." (Hunger is the best dish.)

7. "الصمت ذهب." (Silence is golden.)

8. "الحياة قصيرة، فلا تقصرها بالهم والأسى." (Life is short, so do not shorten it with grief and sorrow.)

9. "النجاح لا يأتي من النوم." (Success does not come from sleeping.)

10. "العمل يبني الأمم." (Work builds nations.)

Above is Arabic quotes and sayings.

Annie musical sayings

1. The sun'll come out tomorrow.2. It's a hard-knock life.3. You're never fully dressed without a smile.4. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow.5. I think I'm gonna like it here.6. Little girls, little girls, everywhere I turn I can see them.7. I don't need anything but you.8. I'm

Abdul kalam sayings tamil

Here are some popular sayings of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in Tamil:1. வெற்றியை அடைய முடியாது, அதை நீங்கள் அடைய வேண்டும். (Success is not achievable, you have to achieve it.)2. உயிரை உயிராக்குவது உங்கள் கையில் உள்ளது. (It is in your hands to make your life meaningful.)3. நீங்கள் என்னை வெற்றிக்கு அடைய

Occult sayings

1. As above, so below.2. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.3. Know thyself.4. In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.5. The universe is mental.6. As within, so without.7. The only way out is through.8. To know, to dare, to will, to keep silent.9. By the power

Flowers quotations and sayings

1. Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower. - John Harrigan2. A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms. - Zen Shin3. Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. - Gerard De Nerval4. The earth laughs in flowers. - Ralph Waldo Emerson5

Double trouble twin girl sayings

1. Double the trouble, double the fun!2. Two peas in a pod, causing chaos wherever we go.3. Twice the mischief, twice the laughter.4. We may be double trouble, but we're also double the love.5. Double trouble, but always double the joy.6. Two hearts, one mischievous spirit.7. We may be

Card sayings for growth

1. Embrace the journey of growth and watch yourself bloom.2. May you always find the courage to grow beyond your comfort zone.3. Like a tree reaching for the sky, may your growth be limitless.4. In the garden of life, may you always be in a constant state of growth.5. Every challenge you ov

2022 trendy sayings

1. Vibe check2. Manifesting3. Slaying4. Good vibes only5. Living my best life6. It is what it is7. On fleek8. No cap9. Stay woke10. Let's get this bread

Funny fiance sayings

1. I finally found someone who puts up with my nonsense. I guess that's true love.2. I asked for a partner in crime, and I got a life sentence.3. My fiance is like a fine wine - he gets better with age, but sometimes he gives me a headache.4. I love my fiance more than pizza, and that's sayin

Short sayings about death

1. Death is not the end, but a new beginning.2. In the end, we all return to the earth.3. Death is the great equalizer.4. From death comes new life.5. Death is just a part of the cycle of existence.6. In death, we find peace.7. Death is a reminder to cherish every moment.8. Death is t

Chi omega sorority sayings

1. Hootie Hoo!2. Sisters for life, friends forever.3. Chi Omega, leading women.4. Owl always love my sisters.5. In Chi Omega, we soar together.6. Sisterhood is forever.7. Chi Omega: where sisters become family.8. Owls and pearls, Chi Omega girls.9. Sisters by chance, Chi Omega by ch