Arabic sayings for food luck in the future

1. "بالهنا والشفا" (Bilhana wa alshifa) - May you have happiness and good health.

2. "طعام الصباح ذهب، وطعام المساء ضاع" (Ta'am al-sabah dahab, wa ta'am al-masa daa) - The morning meal is gold, and the evening meal is lost.

3. "الطعام من السماء" (Al-ta'am min al-sama) - Food is from heaven.

4. "من طعامنا تعرفنا" (Min ta'amna ta'arafna) - You can know us by our food.

5. "الطعام يجمع القلوب" (Al-ta'am yajma' al-qulub) - Food brings hearts together.

Above is Arabic sayings for food luck in the future.

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