Archaic sayings

1. "A penny for your thoughts" - asking someone what they are thinking about

2. "Bite the bullet" - to endure a painful or difficult situation

3. "Cat's out of the bag" - a secret has been revealed

4. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch" - don't assume something will happen before it actually does

5. "A watched pot never boils" - time seems to move slower when you are waiting for something

6. "In a pickle" - in a difficult or tricky situation

7. "Raining cats and dogs" - raining heavily

8. "Straight from the horse's mouth" - information from a reliable source

9. "The bee's knees" - something excellent or outstanding

10. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink" - you can provide someone with an opportunity, but you can't force them to take it

Above is Archaic sayings.

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