Area 51 sayings

1. "What happens in Area 51, stays in Area 51."

2. "If you think you know what's going on in Area 51, you probably don't."

3. "Area 51: Where the truth is stranger than fiction."

4. "In Area 51, the only thing certain is uncertainty."

5. "They say curiosity killed the cat, but in Area 51, it might just uncover the truth."

6. "Area 51: Where reality is just a suggestion."

7. "The only way to know what's really going on in Area 51 is to see it for yourself... if you dare."

8. "In Area 51, the only thing more mysterious than the unknown is the known."

9. "Area 51: Where secrets are the norm and answers are elusive."

10. "Enter at your own risk: Area 51 is not for the faint of heart."

Above is Area 51 sayings.

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Jeffree star iconic sayings

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Girly sayings on instagram

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